I have been driving the same way to work (and back) for over 8 years now. Over that time period I have taken several different routes to make the drive more interesting, but I always go back to the one I have used the most,the one I am using now.
I have also come up with different things to do and look for as I drive keep me alert and aware of my surrounds. My favorite thing to do has been to watch for the different stickers and emblems people have on the rear of their cars. Since I always keep my little camera with me I have been able to record some of my more favorite ones. I have to be discreet about it, I don't want some one charging out of their car and coming back to mine wanting to know why I am taking a picture of their license plate!!
So here for your enjoyment are some of my favorite things people have on the back end of their cars.....you should pay attention as you drive, I am sure you will come up with some favorites of your own.......
And My Favorite One so far.....