For those of you who read my blog and do not live in Southern California, let me let you in on something..IT HOT HERE!! Yes,I know alot of the Country is experiencing zero tempts and below, but not here in good old Southern Californa, we are having a taste of Summer time in January.
Also for those of you who may not know, being at the beach on any day of the week, is my most favorite thing in the whole wide world, ok well second most favorite thing, not telling you what my favorite thing is, but I bet it high on your list too!! So after all the stress that has been going on around here the last few weeks with the car thing, I decided last Sunday to go down to the ocean for awhile. Now I am not lying at all when I say we have been having some REALLY beautiful weather the last week or so. Last Sunday was just wonderful, clear skies and warm tempts. So after breakfast, Taffie and I headed west on our first little road trip together.
One of the places I really enjoy going is White Point Bluffs on San Pedro. I am going to be doing a post with pictues very soon about the park there, but on Sunday
I went to the Bluffs. It was just tremendous. You could see Catalina Island, and some small fishing boats and sail boats. After hiking the short way from the road to the bluffs, I just sat down and took it all in. I watched some seals playing in the water and a whole bunch of dolphins swimming around playing and eating. Someone told me it was whale migrating season, but I did not see any whales. I have before, but not on Sunday.
After setting there for an hour or so, I decided I needed to get something to eat, so I drove into San Pedro and got a Subway sandwich and drove back to the beach area but this time I went to another favorite spot, the Korean Bell park.(again, another post!) I sat on the bluff over looking the ocean and ate my sandwich with a couple of new found buddies, 2 seagulls. I kept an eye on them and they were keeping an eye on my sandwich and chips!
It was really a wonderful, stress relieving morning. It was so relaxing, I drove home and too a nap!!