I know in a previous post or two I told you I had my eye on a replacement for Andy, AND I told you the one I had my eye on was a metallic orange (which surprised no one!) well, I did find Andy's replacement, and it is the car I really wanted to get BUT, He's White!! Yes I know White is a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGG way from Metallic Orange but once I say him, I knew. Well to be honest, not really, you can ask Patrick, I had a hard time making up my mind when I saw all these different colors sitting side my side on the sales lot. Some colors were easy to rule out like black, grey,red (as much as I love red,this particular red did nothing for me), the dark blue was pretty but not really me. THEN I saw this really nice light blue that was really nice but when we came to the white one, it was REALLY purtty. So after a little battle in my head (sorta like the one that happens when you are going out on a Saturday night and just can't chose which shirt to wear!!), I chose the white one.
And I an really glad I did.
So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Taffi, my new 2009 Honda Fit Sports Coupe!!! He is really wonderful with more bells and whistles on him than I have had time to figure out. I have never had a Honda before but I would HIGHLY recommend them to everyone. After visiting a dealership or two and test driving one, we ended up in West Covina at Norm Reeves Honda. Our saleperson, Louis, was wonderful. No pressure, no sales pitch, he was seriously like someone we had know for awhile who was helping us buy a car. In a little less than two hours from the time we arrived, we were driving away with Taffi. I was really afraid with the way the economy is right it might be an nightmare to get him financed,but nope, a good price with an amazing low interest rate.
I will be posting some more pics of him later, but I really wanted to introduce him
to everyone!!
ps..I think you should all know...His real name is Billy...Taffi is his Drag name>
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