Today is my Mom's Birthday, she would have been 91 years old today! I really miss celebrating her birthdays, she was so hard to buy for. She had anything she needed and could have pretty much bought anything she really wanted, so to say it was a challenge to find "just the right thing" for her birthday is an understatement.
My sister and brother and I had this thing where if we thought of something really great to get her, we would not tell each other what it was so one of other would not run out an get it for her. Every year she would always tell us not to get her anything but there was no way in hell that was gonna happen. She told my poor Dad that one Christmas and he took up on it and we saw what he had to go through for the next year!! But it always ended good and she always seemed to like what we got her,even if she had to fake liking it!! But then after we did figure out what to give her for her birthday, Mother's Day was just two weeks away!!!!!!!!!