It's hard to believe that summer is upon us, seems to me I was just dragging all the Christmas decorations out of the shed to begin decorating, and here we are getting ready to celebrate the Summer Solstice!
It's also hard for me to believe that I have had this blog for 3 years. Seems like a few days ago that I was thinking about it and finally decided to try it.
I read alot of other blogs and I know mine is not even close to being a great one, but I do think for the purpose of sharing things with my family and friends, it is
a fun one. I have been very surprised by some of the people who leave comments for
me in that they have some of the more popular blogs and here they are reading mine
and leaving me a comment on how they like my post...very exciting for me!!
But over the last several months I have had a tough time posting things. Not that I am losing interest in it, I really do enjoy coming up with things to post,
but it has been hard to find the motivation to post very often. This has been a worry for me because I have several things I want share on here. But another blog
buddy who has been blogging for much longer than me, told me that maybe I need to step back for a while, give myself some time away from and then later on, take it up again. He has done this himself and he says it works for him. When you have a blog
you are constantly thinking of things you want ot post and share, or at least it has
been that way for me. So...I have decided to take a little vacation from blogging.
Just step away for a few weeks and not think about it.
For me,I tend to get so busy with "stuff" that the Summer is gone before I know
it and I have not done anything I had hoped to do during that time. I have lots of
fun things I would really like to do this summer, places I want to go and people I want to visit and catch up with that I have not seen in a long time. So this is
what I am going to devote my Summer to. And when I return to blogging, I will
get to share those adventures with you.
So over the next several weeks, enjoy your Summer!! Get out there and have
some adventures and enjoy life. I am reminded everyday in one way or another just
how fragile Life really is....and who knows....this just might be my last Summer,
and if it is, I want you all to be able to say that I really did enjoy it.